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A couple of weeks ago, i caused an accident... yup, in my entire decade and a half of driving, only other people cause accidents... yours truly steered clear with the occasional nick and bump by other drivers...

it was a case of tersilap tekan... in my own dumb carelessness, i looked away from the road for a second and my right foot slipped... from the brakes to the accelerator... *sigh*

radiator, head lights, bonnet, car frame, front bumper (not to mention the stuff i couldnt see behind the radiator)... and the other car only sustained a loose rear bumper...

that goes without saying, my nellie is rendered immovable (is there such a word?)....

oh well...

like i dun feel stupid enough having committed such carelessness... the other party was concerned about me...

that sweet lady, she was concerned that i had no transport and that i would be summoned... well, now it felt bad... i felt bad... very bad...

anyways... after all thats said and done (police reports, tow trucks, dealing with adjusters, insurance agents and my mother)... i must have gone through denial, anger, self-pity and guilt (not remembering in which order)... mrs. lee (thats the sweet lady) has her car back and she's happy about it... and nellie will be back in my hands soon...

i reckon i've learnt my lesson... rather expensive one too, if i might add... and i've come to appreciate humanity just a little more, thanks to mrs. lee... and if i dun treasure nellie enough previously, i definitely do now...

now, if you'll excuse me... its a friday and i'm off to have a good time... heehee....

enjoy the weekend folks.... *poof*


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