when i figure out how to use the features in a digi-cam.....
when the whole family is together.....
when its cunningly made crafts....when we're all leaning to one side.... (why ah?)
when its blurry iced strawberry....
when its yee sang time!!!
when you cant tell if its a rat, bear or pig....
when its antique wine goblets....
when its yam seng time!!!
when my nephew reyes pulls funny stunts and poses.....
when its that close to chinese new year...... (i love chinese paper cuttings)
when its sunrise.....
when its sunset.....when the moon glows on high....
when it looks like an eating contest.....
when chris succumbs to wearing my reading glasses.... lolz....
when passing by heritage spots.....
when its yummy fried laksa.... trust me, its good.....when stairways like this always looks promising....
when you're tired and haggard and with good friends.....
Labels: when