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a subtle dull throb
beating in time with your heart
so quiet it is
you will not realize its existence...
doki doki, doki doki...
when its happy
doki doki, doki doki...
when its sad
it resides like a parasite
pulling at your heart strings
like its own personal toy
on its own whims and fancies...
constantly aching
constantly squeezing
it pretends to let go
then tugs you back in, always, always.....
clouding your judgement
veiling your vision
blinding your intuition
fogging your intellect...
brightening the eyes
heightening the senses
sensitizing your skin
lightens the step...
you resist... but in vain
you succumb.... its useless
futile attempts made
only to be rendered defenseless once again...
it makes you breathless
it keeps you smiling
it reduces you to tears
it opens up your soul...
its exhilarating
it hurts
it encompasses
it forgives...
once embraced it becomes steadfast and delicate at the same time
once discarded it becomes fragile and loses its light
once mended it will never become whole again
never ever discard it again, for it will never be mended the second time...
a subtle dull throb
like a diminutive light
it lives within your heart
quietly awaiting serendipity...


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