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In the end... i've never gotten around to blogging my Bali trip... *sigh*

As we inch closer to our country's 53rd year of independence... one cant help but think... would this 1Malaysia idea work?

most of us would have wished fervently that i will... some of us would turn our noses up on it and continue on our way....

while the government has been promoting this 1Malaysia ideal positively, wut happens in the real world tells us otherwise...

lets face it... we're racists... whether we want it or not... no, its not one of those outright haters... but sometimes in our everyday life... like when you're driving and you meet this driver that drives in between two roads... you wouldnt go stupid driver... you'd go stupid (insert race denominations please)... right?

lolz... dun deny it.... we've all done it a few times in our lives... consiously or not.... you know, stuff like that...

i wont deny that i'm a racist... lolz... in fact i embrace it... and yet, i have friends in every race denomination... and i love all of them... so wut does that make me?

well, wutever it is... we as malaysian... or humans... will not hope for unrest... we all want peace on earth... right?

so as we approach our 53rd year... i really hope that we put aside our skin colour differences and work slowly but surely together and really make this 1Malaysia ideal a truth... hehehe.... i rather like the idea of that...

or, oh well... just give it a little thought eh? we all stand to gain from it...

yeah, yeah... i'll stop... hehehe...

anyways... happy birthday Malaysia!!


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