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in a dictionary... its means

1. a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.; a timid or easily intimidated person.
2. lacking courage; very fearful or timid.
3. proceeding from or expressive of fear or timidity: a coward cry.

1175–1225; ME < class="ital-inline">couard-, couart cowardly, equiv. to coue tail (< class="ital-inline">cauda) + -art -ard

1. craven, poltroon, dastard, recreant, milksop.

Word History: A coward is one who "turns tail." The word comes from Old French couart, coart, "coward," and is related to Italian codardo, "coward." Couart is formed from coe, a northern French dialectal variant of cue, "tail" (from Latin cōda), to which the derogatory suffix -ard was added. This suffix appears in bastard, laggard, and sluggard, to name a few. A coward may also be one with his tail between his legs. In heraldry a lion couard, "cowardly lion," was depicted with his tail between his legs. So a coward may be one with his tail hidden between his legs or one who turns tail and runs like a rabbit, with his tail showing.

today, i felt that i got to know wut a true coward is... the inability to face up to confrontations, to brush aside truths that are waving in front of their faces, to pursue the truth to the end while avoiding their own, producing a reason or an excuse for every lie told, who twists facts to their advantage... most of all, a liar...

i was having lunch with a friend today... as usual she was 'telling' me about her boyfriend... (i should make her buy me lunch one day)... they are currently stuck in a situation where she switched from being the gf to the-girl-on-the-side.... i had no idea how that happened... the bugger (i'm ashamed to say, that he is also a friend of mine) is a natural flirt... i guess... things just went off hand... and now, a huge amount of money is involved between the two girls... lawsuits are being treatened... parents are on the verge of being brought into the scene... its a lot of arguing, crying, blaming, denying, threatening on every side...

the bugger claims he loves my friend and that the other woman threatened him with a lawsuit if he doesnt be with her (this was where the money is involved) but he treats the other woman like a lover and shouts and my friend all the time... he refuses to find a way to solve this mess he's brought the two girls into... all the time claiming that he has no way out of this and that he has no choice... even yours truly was not spared... to make a long story short....

girl meets boy, they date, boy flirts with another girl, girl no. 2 falls in love with boy, girl no. 1 has no idea, boy goes into a relationship with girl no.2 not breaking off with girl no.1, girl no. 1 freaks out, girl no. 2 too, boy admits to be in a relationship with girl no.2 but claims to love girl no.1 (the asshole), in the meantime, boy is in trouble and both girls gave him money to stay afloat (this is a lot of money we're talking about), parents of boy does not know about this, so now girl no.2 is official gf while girl no.1 becomes the side-dish, the girls hate each other and are paraniod, boy does nothing about it, concerned friends are blasted for caring, parents of boy still does not know, both girls are miserable, bitter and paraniod, boy still does nothing....

thats basically the story.... bottom line, i can honestly say i've never really labeled anyone in my life a coward seriously... but today... i can honestly say... i've found my first coward...

guardian angels are...

What Are Guardian Angels?

Guardian Angels are thought to be spiritual beings that are "assigned" to assist people here on Earth in various ways. Whether there is one angel per person, one angel for several person or several angels for one person is open to question. But whether you believe in them or not, or whether you want one or not, believers insist that you do have a guardian angel.

What is their assignment? According to "Encounters of the Angelic Kind" at Future365 (now defunct), "they intercept at many junctures in our lives and help wherever they can to make our lives run smoothly. Sometimes this is by inspiring a thought to spur us into action, at others it is to lend us super-human strength, such as in the case of a woman being able to lift a car long enough to free her trapped child. Or we hear of a runaway truck, with an unconscious driver at the wheel, inexplicably swerving sharply at the last moment to avoid a bus stop queue of people. In fact, there are many instances, which are often put down to luck, coincidence or even a miracle, but which have the touch of a hand of light behind it."

i met mine last year... i didnt even know... everytime i shed a tear... he's there saying, i know... he makes me laugh... till tears overflow... he makes my hurt go away... everytime he gently blows... i promise myself to never run away... he walks forward with me... and until today... he is there still, walking silently... i'm glad i met this wonderful person... not sooner not later... because GOD sent him just for me... and their love for me will never waver...

lolz.... shivers.... i cant believe that just came out of my head... but in all honesty, i'm thankful that someone is there watching over me... my guardian angel is believe is not one... but many... because they appear to me in many forms... i thank GOD for all of them... and i thank all of them for being there for me... but one special person, i must thank...

thank you, for listening to my rants
thank you, for putting up with my selfishness
thank you, for letting me soak your shoulders
thank you, for making me laugh until i cry
thank you, for always being there
thank you....


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