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Why on earth do people want to do all these memes is really beyond me sometimes.... but since i owe mervin for hijacking his thread this week... i reckon i can complete one... heehee....

by the time you've run through this entire blog, you'd prolly only have one thought on your mind... *boring*.... lolz.....

here goes....

Three Names I go by
1. chinyee
2. ally
3. aby

why aby? i have friends who will refer me by my nick... dun ask why, coz i didnt... heehee... for those who dun know... my nick is abyssinnian...

Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. secretary/pa
2. customer services
3. administrator

i would like to say that i've had more interesting and colorful jobs... but i'm afraid that tooth fairies would sneak up on me at night...

Three Places I have lived
1. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

as you can see, i'm a toad that has never left the garden...

Three TV chanels that I watch (at the moment)
1. NTV7
2. TV2
3. TV3

so sue me... i dun own astro like the rest of the population, considering i probably watch an accummulation of 2 hours of tv a week....

Three (FAVOURITE) places I have been
1. Japan
2. Australia
3. Mom's home

hey! there was no specification that it had to be out of the country... and besides, mom's pantry is always full of food... hehehe

People that e-mail me regularly
1. King
2. King
3. King

cant help it... everyone else just texts me via cell phone, even my mother....

Three of my favorite foods
1. Japanese
2. Chinese
3. Indian

japanese, for very obvious reasons (*winks*)... as for the last option.... hmmm..... prolly its because its the first type of food other than chinese that i ever encountered as a kid was curry.... heehee.... hey, i was an impressionable child....

Three things I would like to do
1. take three months off and backpack as far as i can
2. get tons fitter
3. settle my financial rut this year (wishful thinking)

dun even get me started...

Three friends I think will respond
1. ??
2. ??
3. ??

dun. think. so.....

Things I am looking forward to
1. my brother getting married (i hope)
2. hanging out with my friends
3. reading more books (must get my lazy ass moving)

i give up.....

so this is it folks.... i'd put in wittier and cheekier remarks... but wut the heck.... deal with it.... *insert maniacal laugh*


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